Indian Community in Australia


New Temporary Visa for sponsored Parents


New Temporary Visa for sponsored Parents:

Assistant Minister for immigration and border protection issued media release for new temporary visa for Parents.

During election campaign the Turnbull government committed to introduce a new temporary sponsored parents visa. Under the new visa parents will allow Australian citizen and permeant visa holders to sponsor their parents to stay in Australia for up to 5 years.

Minister Mr Hawke said we want to help families reunite and spend time together while insuring that we do so in a way that does not burden Australia’s health care system.

It means Parents must have private health insurance as well as financial backing from their children who is sponsor.

The introduction of such a visa is a significant shift from current visa options for parents.  “I encourage migrant communities to get involved in the consultation process and provide feedback to assist in the design of this visa” Assistant Minister Hawke said.

This new visa will be placed by July 2017. Visa fees have not been revealed but the minister said it will be more affordable than current arrangements.  Community leaders have been invited to make submissions on temporary, by 31 October 2016.

Condition for new visa will be Health insurance, financial back up from children, children must be Australian citizen or PR.

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