Indian Community in Australia

A - Z For New Migrant

Living Costs in Australia

Living Cost in Australia:

This is the most common question asked by people who are planning to come to Australia. I thought I will write this blog which will help people to understand the basic living cost in Australia. Not all cities in Australia has same expenses. Some cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are expensive in term of accommodation and transport costs. While rents are cheaper in some cities such as Adelaide, Albury, Brisbane.

Living Costs in Australia For Students:

Students who come to Australia usually arrange accommodation (usually shared accommodation) before coming to Australia this way you will have the place to live when you are in Australia. Some tips on How to find accommodation in Australia here.

Expenses Per Month for Student:

Above calculation is approx. but it will give you an idea how much it costs to live in Australia per month. Food expenses are basic and do not include restaurants and alcohol. Renting is depending on the area. The far you live from the city the less expensive.

Living Costs in Australia For Families:

Expenses for families are different as they don’t want to live in shared accommodation. If your kids go to school you need to consider school fees (if it is private) and uniform plus activities cost. You can check more about schooling in Australia.

Expenses Per Month for Family (2 Adult 1 child) :

Benefits for PR holder:

PR holders get Medicare so you may not need to buy private health insurance. More information about if you need private health insurance.

For the car in Australia, you need to buy CTP (Compulsory Third Party) it usually cost about $500 to $600 per year. On top of CTP, you must pay for registration (yearly charge) about $500 per year. Depends on your car you may like to buy third party or comprehensive car insurance. I strongly recommend getting at least third-party car insurance. Imagine if you don’t have third party car insurance and you hit your car to BMW…. Car Buying guide and cost in Australia.

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