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What is high blood pressure and why it is dangerous

I will try to explain high blood pressure and how you can lower your blood pressure. Its from my personal experience.

Heart’s job in the body is to provide blood and oxygen to all body parts. Hearts does this job by pumping, and it is called heart rates.

If for any reason heart must pump blood fast, it creates high blood pressure in the arteries.

Blood pressure is the force of circulating blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. When that pressure is higher than normal, you have high blood pressure, which puts you at risk for several health issues including heart attack, vision lose, heart failure and stroke.

If you are above 30, you should get blood pressure check every time you visit doctor or at least once every 6 to 12 months.

You can lower your blood pressure with medicine as well as eating potassium rich food and following simple steps.

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