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Brisbane News

Rules what you can and can’t do during lockdown. Fine up to $13,345 for breaking the rule

A three-day lockdown in Greater Brisbane has begun. Those found to be breaching a public health order face a $13,345 fine and in serious cases, six months behind bars.

You can leave home for below reason:

  • Shopping for essentials, food and necessary supplies
  • Medical or healthcare needs, including compassionate requirements
  • Exercise with no more than one other person, unless all from the same household
  • Providing care or assistance to an immediate family member
  • Work, or volunteering, or study if it is not reasonably practicable to work or learn remotely
  • Child custody arrangements
  • Legal obligations
  • Attend funeral or wedding in line with restrictions (20 at a funeral and 10 at a wedding)
  • In emergency situations
  • To escape harm
  • If you entered the impacted area responding to an emergency as an emergency health services or emergency service worker or national defence, state security or police officer
  • If required to allow an essential service to occur such as the transport of freight in and out of Greater Brisbane
  • You are directed to leave by an emergency health officer
  • You have an exemption from the Chief Health Officer

Other rules during lockdown

Schools will be closed from March 30 until Term 2 starts on April 19, except for vulnerable children and those of essential workers

Non-essential businesses are not allowed to operate. Cinemas, entertainment and recreation venues, hairdressers, beauty and personal care services, gyms and places of worship will all close

Wedding ceremonies capped at 10 people, including celebrant, witnesses and couple

Funerals capped at 20 people, excluding officials

Queensland Health advises receptions and wakes should be postponed

Cafes, pubs and restaurants no dine-in customers – takeaway allowed

Boot camps and personal training to two people outdoors (including the trainer), with physical distancing observed

Social sport is permitted, such as golf and tennis, limited to two people outdoors, with physical distancing observed

Community facilities to remain open for the purpose of hosting essential voluntary or public services, such as food banks or homeless services Community facilities may continue to operate if they provide formal out of school hours care. Physical distancing must be observed to the extent possible

Food markets and farmers markets to continue to operate

Real estate auctions and open-house inspections to private appointments only

If you live outside Greater Brisbane, you can transit through the hotspot without stopping

Below is must do

Masks must be worn indoors in places such as shops, churches, workplaces, public transport, taxis and ride-share, friends’ homes, churches. Masks must be worn outside if you cannot keep 1.5 metre distance

A person may remove their mask when sitting down to eat, undertaking strenuous exercise and for employment purposes. Children younger than 12 and those with certain medical conditions do not need a mask

You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to

Visitors to aged care facilities, disability accommodation services, hospitals and correctional facilities across the state are restricted

For full details please visit QLD health website. It is always better to follow rule and stay home.

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