Indian Community in Australia

Adelaide News, Brisbane News, Melbourne News, News, Perth News, Sydney News

If you are eligible, you will get $250 from government this week

Cost of living in Australia and around the world has risen a lot since pandemic due to supply chain issues. To help Australians with this rising cost government is giving eligible Australians $250 once off payment this week. You do not need to do anything. If you are eligible you will receive $250 this week in your bank account automatically.

Eligible criteria: People who receive one or more of the below payments are eligible to receive this new $250 payment

Age Pension

Disability Support Pension

Parenting Payment

Carer Payment

Carer Allowance (if not in receipt of a primary income support payment)

Jobseeker Payment

Youth Allowance

Austudy and Abstudy Living Allowance

Double Orphan Pension

Special Benefit

Farm Household Allowance

Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) holders

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders

Eligible Veterans’ Affairs payment recipients and Veteran Gold card holders

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