Indian Community in Australia

Melbourne News

Indian Student dead after Online date gone wrong in Melbourne

An Indian young student living in Melbourne died after online date went wrong.

25 years old Indian student Maulin Rathod met a teeneager girl, aged 19, through an online dating apps. It is believe Mr rathod went to a house at Ross Court in Sunbury about 9 AM on Monday 23rd July to meet that girl.

After some time Mr Rathod was found with life-threating injuries by emergency services at Sunbury about 42 KM north west of Melbourne. He was alive but seriously injured and was taken to Sunshine Hospital where he died overnight.

Neighbours claimed police and carers frequently visited the home, which is a supported residential care property.

Mr Rathod was living in Melbourne on a student visa. His friends are in shock at the sudden and violent death of the young man. He was only son of his parents.

The teenager girl was arrested at the scene and faced Melbourne Magistrates’ Court Tuesday night.

She was charged with intentionally causing serious injury, however police expect to have those charges upgraded to either manslaughter or murder, in light of the man’s death.

She was remanded in custody to appear again on Monday.


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