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Research on Forced marriage and opportunity to earn $30 gift card

Opportunity to share your experience and earn $30 gift card for your time.

Monash university student is undertaking research to understand young women’s experiences of forced marriage in Australia.

They are currently seeking female participants aged between 16 and 30 years who might like to share their experience.

Interviews for this research will take 1 hour and will be conducted via phone or video link. Participation is anonymous and confidential. Participants will be given a $30.00 gift card for their time.

More information about research can be found here.

Your participation in this research will be confidential. Your responses will remain entirely anonymous and there will be no way to identify you in any of the published research that arises out of this study. All names, dates, locations and other identifiable information with be changed and the original audio recording will be deleted.

 Any contact information and communication given to the researcher to organise your participation in this research will be destroyed after the interview is completed.

If you would like to participate, please go to this website and register your interest.

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