Categories: MoneyNews

Should you go for JobSeeker or JobKeeper Payment

JobSeeker or JobKeeper Payment? Couple of members have sent me message asking which payment is better to apply?  and if they are casual will they be eligible for payment? I have decided to write this article which will help others who may have similar question. This is not a financial or personal advice; This is just my opinion here. If you have any doubt you should contact Centrelink for more information.

I personally believe If you are eligible for both payments then you should go for JobKeeper payment. The reason is JobKeeper pays more. Under JobSeeker you can get maximum up to around $1100 fortnight while JobKeer will pay you $1500 fortnight. You can only get one payment even if you are eligible for both.

JobSeeker Payment:

If your answer is yes to all questions below then you are eligible for JobSeeker Payment.

  • Is Your working hours reduced or lost job due to CoronaVirus?
  • Are you single without children and you are now earning less than $1086 a fortnight or you have partner and you earn less than $993 and your partner earns less than $79762 gross a year ?
  •  Are you Australian Permanent resident or Citizen?

If your answer is Yes to all above questions, then you are eligible for the JobSeeker Payment. To apply for JobSeeker Payment please log in to My Gov and click on link “Register your Intention to claim”

Check your details are correct. Centrelink will send you SMS in couple of days. Once you will get SMS you again need to login to My Gov and Apply and answer all the questions.

JobKeeper Payment.

This is bit complicated because the government will pay to your employer and  your employer will pay you. Your employer needs to apply for your JobKeeper Payment.

  • Your employer must have lost or likely to lose 30% or more (depends on annual revenue) in revenue due to CoronaVirus.
  • You have been let go or stood down
  • You must be self-employed, Permanent, part time or casual with more than one year with current employer
  • You are on payroll as of 1st March
  • You are Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident

JobSeeker payment will come from your employer so you must check with employer if they are eligible and you will get JobKeeper payment. The aim of JobKeeper payment is to keep employee connected with their employer.

If you are working for two or more employers, then try the most employer to pay first then others.

If you are eligible for both payments then you can apply for JobSeeker payment and once you will start getting JobKeeper you should inform centrelink. Government wants to help Australians in this difficult time by giving money and keeping economy running without recession.

If you are working from home and have spare time you can use your time to earn money by filling online survey. Check our online survey article here.

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