Indian Community in Australia

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Stay home Australia now has two people gathering rule

Prime minister has announced the tightening of restriction to stop spread of coronavirus. There will be on the spot fine (fine up to $1300 varies from state to state).


Queensland has now announced state of emergency and enforcing strict rules. People are only allowed to leave their home for one of the eight essential rules:

  • To buy food or other essential goods or services
  • Obtaining medical treatment
  • For Physical exercise: Person must go either alone or in the company of no more than one other person or in the company of a family group who are living at same place.
  • Performing work which cannot reasonably be performed from person’s home
  • Visiting terminal ill relative or to attend a funeral
  • Providing assistance, care or support to an immediate family member
  • Attending any court of Australia.
  • Attending a childcare facility, school or university

Someone can still socialiase with the family or roommates they live with, but if there are more than two people in the home, no visitors are allowed. If someone lives alone they are allowed one social guest.

QLD police will be able to issue on the spot fines of $1334.50

New South Wales:

From 12 AM 30th March, NSW residents must stay in their homes. They must need reasonable excuse if they want to go out. They can go out only

  • To buy food and other essentials goods
  • Travelling for the work if the persona can not do it at home
  • Exercise
  • Medical or caring reasons

NSW also has adopted the two person gathering limits. NSW police commissioner said police would be on the streets to enforce these new rules. They are allow for fines up to $11,000 or six months imprisonment for those who leave the home without a reasonable excuse.


Victoria has also adopted a similar system. Residents can only leave the house for one of five essential reasons.

  • Shopping for food or other essential services
  • Work and education purpose if they cannot do at home
  • To care other family member
  • Exercise
  • Other extenuating circumstances

In Victoria the two people rule also apply inside and outside of the home. This rule exempts people who live in the same household.

Penalties up to $1652.

Did you know you may be eligible for $1500 payment fortnightly for up to 6 months. You can check out here.

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