An Indian woman, Dr Preethi Reddy, was missing since 3rd March 2019. She was last seen in CCTV footage at Mc Donald’s at Sydney CBD in George street. After 2 days on 5th March Police found her car on side road in Kingsford. It is understood she was found dead in a suitcase inside her car boot. She has been stabbed numerous times
As per report, the suspected killer of Sydney dentist was her ex-boyfriend and he has died in a head-on collision with a truck
Dr. Preethi’s friend described her as loving and carrying person.
What happened:
2nd March Saturday: Dr Preethi Reddy attended a dental conference at St Leonards in Sydney North
3rd March Sunday: She was last seen at McDonald’s on George Street Sydney CBD. She spoke with her family on that day over phone
4th March Monday: The man police believed killed Dr Preethi died on collision with truck
5th March Tuesday: Police found Dr. Reddy’s body in her car boot in Suitcase
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