Indian Community in Australia


The Australian government is facing calls to ban TikTok

After India, now Australia government is looking into Chinese popular app TikTok. Calls for TikTok to be banned as it believed to be threat to national security. TikTok is used by almost 1.6 million Australians.

As per The Herald Sun newspaper, plans are underway to haul the video-sharing platform before the foreign interference social media senate inquiry amid fears the Chinese owned platform leaks user’s information to Beijing.

Committee chair Senator Jenny McAllister said she hopes TikTok will comply with the Australian government’s request for their cooperation in a probe into the platform.

“Part of the job of this Committee is to get all of those stakeholders in the room and create a forum where we can have a really good discussion about what are the boundaries, about what is and isn’t acceptable on these types of matters.”

The newspaper reports that the Australian Defence Force also banned the app on any defence-issued device earlier this year.

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