Indian Community in Australia


World’s biggest election loser World Record

An Indian man who has lost contested 238 times and lost every single time is again ready to try his luck 239th times this year.

Mr. K Padmarajan is 65 years old, and owner of tyre repair shops in Tamil Nadu. He has made world record for loosing election 238 times and becoming country’s most unsuccessful candidate.

Despite never winning, he is a local celebrity and known for his thick moustache. All candidates seek victory but Not Me. For him victory is in participating and he is happy to loose.

This will be his 239th election from Dharmapuri town in Tamil Nadu. His best score was in 2011 when he received a total of 6,273 votes.

Mr Padmarajan said he will continue to fight elections until his last breath — but would be shocked were he ever to win. “I will have a heart attack,” he laughed.

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